18 April 2009

Gone. And a winner!

The snow is gone.

Every last pile, ball and flake. All gone.

There are even little blades of green grass starting to grow.

before after
It's been a fast journey and fun game. 

I'm actually surprised that it only took 16 days for our mountains of snow to melt away.

Nobody picked today ... or yesterday ... or tomorrow. But, my Grandma Katy's friend, Cricket picked Monday, April 20 - so I made the executive decision that she is the winner! Congratulations!


Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

Congratulations Cricket!

It must feel great to have a yard again. Welcome Spring!

Don Hendricks said...

Bison girl,

That was a cute contest and an interesting set of pictures. I would say spring has sprung for you but.....I 70 in Denver was closed earlier in the week with a blizzard????